I think it definitely deserves a second chance. The graphics aren't the greatest but the gameplay more than makes up for it.Īnyway, if anyone is looking for a solid old school-ish MMORPG that is truly an RPG and not an action game or arcade style game, give it another try (once the servers are back up). It scratches that old school MMO itch while still feeling modern enough so it's not like playing original EQ or Classic WoW. I feel like this game got a bad rap in the beginning (and rightfully so I think.) and now it's actually really damn good. You can literally walk into the Prancing Pony and see Gandalf. Reading world chat it became apparent there were rivalries and friends and people who knew each other.Īnd the lore is Lord of the Rings. It's been a ton of fun and your name feels meaningful in the community. I see a lot of new players like myself running around as well. High levels helping with instances, people getting on alts to send mats if you ask for help with crafting, one guy even bought a stack of 500 leather off the AH for me and just sent me what I needed. Deeds give Virtue points that increase Virtue levels. Like you're working toward becoming more powerful slowly.

Mostly exploring, killing mobs, and helping quest givers but the grind feels meaningful. Every zone has tons of deeds to complete. And if you're a completionist like me, there is so much to do. I know the store is a turn off but you can earn store points in game via deed accomplishments. Why isn't the game more popular? I came back about a week ago and it truly is a real MMORPG. The log in servers for LotRO are currently experiencing issues (Yes I see the irony in this post) so I'm writing this.